A lot of people are talking about throwing #Amazon #Echo devices in the trash this second; in my timeline.
We did this back in February.
Got to say the #HomeAssistant voice boxes are totally usable. A little dumber than Alexa sans a llm, but perfectly adequate if you are like us and mostly just turn smart plugs on and off and check the weather. #HomeAssistantVoice #AmazonEcho #Alexa #Floss
@trashheap That's good to hear. I am considering switching.
@trashheap I haven’t had great luck with mine, it never understands a word I say after the wake word, if it even is able to process anything at all
@2d Im lucky I guess. It definitely isnt as accurate as the echo. But something about might voice works with it more often than not. My husband does struggle with it a touch more than me.
@2d We also use the Nabu Casa cloud for processing which might be a factor.
@trashheap The mics on my Home Assistant Voice device are just nowhere near comparable to the ones on my Sonos stuff. It doesn’t hear me in a quiet room, and if the TV or music is playing there’s no chance.
I’m praying Sonos start supporting Home Assistant Voice! I’ve “liked” many posts and comments about it on their support forum.
@brad This is quite true. It has about zero chance of picking me up over noise.