@micah After Hitchcock gave her a complex about birds, she must have sworn she'd never fear a bird again. XD
@micah Cats love getting on countertops.
@micah That image hit me right in the memories.
In the 90's there was a magazine called the Lefthander. I think this image is from an article that was in a copy of that magazine I had oh so many years ago.
ETA: Yep, that's Tippi Hedren.
@micah Yes, yes, the tiger is IN.
@micah The tiger who came to tea.
The main difference between tigers and housecats is size. Both are sweet kitties
@phi1997 Until you rub their tummies one too many times
Again, only difference is size, which includes claws
@micah its not fair that they look so cuddly when they are so dangeroua
The Kitty Distribution Center delivers!
@micah Aww give cold kitty a little milk
@micah can I pet them too?
dr doolittle behind the scenes for a talk? x-P