In this video, see Zuckerberg bend the knee so far his heel must be in his ass. I've never seen FB go *so hard* on appeasement
The thing to know about Zuck is, his actions are never sourced in any kind of morality, good or bad - he is an *opportunist*. He does whatever is good for Facebook - if that's "Do Good", he'll do it. If that's "Do Evil", you better believe he'll do that too
To see him and other corporations fall over and kiss the ring for Trump *so hard* ($1mm for an "Inauguration fund"? What the fuck even is that? It's just vaguely legal bribery), means they know dead-to-rights that this time, it's gonna be *bad*, and they want to make sure that in the world where the Rules Don't Matter, that they send the message that they are willing to do what Trump says
America is so cooked.