@ShadowJonathan There's a fence near me that has a sign saying to not post bills to it, for some reason, and the restraint it's taking to not stick up a picture of famous Bills (Goldberg, Nye, Nighy, Withers, etc). Lotta Bills
@alan @ShadowJonathan a snack bar near me had a sign saying "cash only" with a pic of Johnny Cash
@ShadowJonathan Thank you for this
@ShadowJonathan Instructions unclear, printing all of Wikipedia
@ShadowJonathan I feel like it could be larger, TBH.
@benhamill it was already large enough in the video, having a slight margin with the frame, but yes, i agree
@ShadowJonathan At our office, someone put this one up:
@ShadowJonathan That's why you charge for printing - even a token per-page fee with a healthy per-person free allowance can take a zero off printer usage.
@ShadowJonathan at least they printed the clean version.
@dblas Mind -ing joke
@ShadowJonathan There was one I remember: it said "Don't Waste Toner" but was printed white-on-black (oh the irony!).
@ShadowJonathan jobs was against big phones so this does make sense
@ShadowJonathan Not big enough. Should be one whole paper for his nose, at least!