What do you do when someone you know ghosts you? Asking for a friend.
Reflecting on this, I know it says more about the person who ghosted me than it does about me. I reached out, and not even demanding just asking a simple question "did I do something wrong?" The response so far has been silence, so yeah. I am pretty sure it actually isn't anything I did at all. Still hurts, though.
@toryalsip I very much doubt it is anything you did, and I'm sorry this happened. No idea if this relates to the person you're talking about, but I myself have become terrible at keeping in touch with people (over the last.....30 years) and though the spirit is willing, the spirit is also grappling with this new phobia of humans I built up post-2020.
@rand quite relatable. I did a lot of my fair share of isolating myself and even ghosting others at times. Trying to reverse that has proven to be difficult.
@toryalsip right?? I miss socializing with friends, but even leaving the house is kind of difficult now. It's like a muscle that's been left unexercised for too long.