@toonces Wow, my family had this exact phone in mid 2000s! The orange bell in the middle has a nice ring~
@lili jealous!
@Citizenkahn oooh, nice!
@Citizenkahn @toonces looks like my old game boy except mine was clear purple.
@Brendajos @Citizenkahn those were the best! I had the very first release, the one that was all gray
@toonces I really miss the transparent look to everything.
@toonces i don't know why we ever stopped doing this in the first place
@toonces Used to hav e a receiver from an old phone rigged to IN/OUT jacks on the sound card back in the day. That s**t was rad. Gosh, memory lane here we go. Come to think of it I used to rock, even if it was just me who knew or cared :D
@a66ey heck yeah!
@toonces Is it too much to ask to want a big ol hand crank phone as a cell phone backpack?
@toonces I had a phone very much like that in my bedroom as a kid. This was before the internet was really a thing. But I loved that phone.
@toonces @OkieSpaceQueen
I had that phone.
Innstead of vis txparency, give us a damm linux machine in our pockets that WE can control instead of th corpotate owners.
@silverwizard right? It can't be that hard!
@toonces with a 3 week battery!
@toonces I used to have a transparent Nokia 3310 - does that count?
@toonces best featureof the fairphone 2 was that they sold a transparent back cover for it tbh
… and then they discontinued it after a while, so when mine broke i had to get a white one instead
@toonces The Clarissa phone!!
@toonces would buy
@toonces not exactly the same aesthetic, but the Nothing Phone1 had a sort of updated version of that idea. Much less colorful though.
@toonces that phone is so 80’s. I had a Swatch that looked like that once.
@toonces This isn't the same thing by a long shot, but D-Brand makes 'transparent' case stickers that look pretty rad
My first mobile phone was closer to that than any modern phone.
@deviantollam @lil_lost I love it!
A company called Polytron Technologies, in 2013, actually tried to do even better.
@toonces I miss clear plastic electronics. They were cool.
@toonces There is this one, not the same of course but retro cool https://skysedge.com/unsmartphones/RUSP/index.html
@toonces also: why aren't we seeing this in sci-fi movies and games?! D:
@toonces I still have it in my collection i think ~:)
@SebiPanther that's amazing!
@toonces I got the green one at the Camden Stables Market in London. Later i found out about the colorful one. I got it from a charity from the UK. Sadly it never worked decently enough to actually use that. Rest works and was aktive as a VoIP Endpoint for a long time. x3
I had this phone as a teen and took it with me to college. It lasted a long time! I particularly loved that it lit up when it rang so I could turn the ringer off and still tell when I was getting a call. Still miss that phone…
@ReneeWestberry oooh yeah, light up phones were rad!!