If you're playing BG3 be sure to save often (the auto saves are not enough).
There is a bug where advancing from the camp requires you to interact with companions that are not present.
This impacts at least some Chapter 1 cutscenes and the easiest way to fix it is to stick to the main story path / mission.
For example, Wyll has a mission he will give you. It's possible for an associated cut scene to run - and then you'll be blocked from exiting the camp if you've not already run his mission.
Note that the saving often is because stuff can just bug. Seen abilities bug, seen object interactions bug, etc. It seems buggier than during the EA.
Some of these come up with some approaches to the first events in the game, on an intermittent basis.
Just as an example, I've had the combat UI disappear mid fight, on a combatant's turn. Saving and then reloading fixed it, thankfully.
But there've been a number of cases I'd lose significant progress without the saves.
#dungeonsanddragons #dnd #bg3 #BaldursGate3