I know the odds for this are slim, but my partner #lost his bag which had the red hat I knit him for Christmas. He got in a car at #SFO yesterday/Sunday and the #driver wasn't using an app, quoted him a price higher than Uber, with no official means of receipt (meaning work won't reimburse him), so he got out, but accidentally left his leather bag in the back seat.
If you know anyone who drives at the #SanFrancisco airport or in the #BayArea, please pass this message to them! My partner will pay $150 for the bag and its contents (clothes, a cheesy love note I packed for him, and a red knit hat - cat not included).
#PleaseBoost #reward #IDontHaveMoreOfThatRedYarn
25 boosts - punny love note reveal...
Ugh, that bag also has his car keys and his favorite jacket and sweater, just in case the airport lost his roller bag.
Cheesy love note reveal as promised. This is in the wee front pocket of the bag, folded in quarters. The others got hidden in the backpack.
(Please boost this or the above toot for visibility in finding the bag!)
@summerfallwinter Passing this along.
@CWilbur big thank you!!
@summerfallwinter You never know, amIright?
@CWilbur exactly! Fingers crossed
@garthc no, we don't have air tags or iphones