Any #HamRadio folks have an Anytone AT-5555n ii? I just got one and I can't get VOX to work to save my life and could use a hand. I have the VOX level set to 1 and the time set to 1 and even screaming into the mic for a few seconds doesn't activate it.
@robotfactory I can't comment on your rig, specifically, but my 878s have gain or AGC settings in the menu items.
If you have them in the 5555, you might need to fiddle with them to get the right balance. Also, I want to suggest looking at the hole for the mic. They're too small on some rigs and you can benefit by widening them by carefully "drilling" them out. You do it with a wood drill bit and carefully turning it with your fingers.
@KB2DSR These were both great ideas! Unfortunately still no luck, but now I have a bigger hole at least!
@robotfactory I think you'll find better frequency response. These rigs use condenser mics and the small home can result in "tin-y" or "thin-sounding" signal reports.