Any #HamRadio folks have an Anytone AT-5555n ii? I just got one and I can't get VOX to work to save my life and could use a hand. I have the VOX level set to 1 and the time set to 1 and even screaming into the mic for a few seconds doesn't activate it.
@robotfactory Hello! I don't have an answer for you unfortunately, but I am new to Mastodon and I think it's cool that I already found another HAM on here and wanted to say hi! 7-3
@robotfactory awesome! I just made my account last night lol, so this is a really cool coincidence then.
What mode do you typically operate on? I just have a Yaesu FT-60, so all I do is talk on 2m/70cm. There is an East Coast Reflector node near me, so I like to hop on there when I can
@robotfactory From what I can tell, the YSF reflectors are for digital radios, no? My FT-60 is just an FM transceiver, so I never got a chance to explore digital radio I honestly don't know anything at all on how to operate on it
@pinecone @robotfactory welcome to mastodon, fellow radio person :)