@phosh As a GNU/Linux superb lover and daily user I'll be quite probably using this on my phones too in the near future marvelous! Keep it up!
@libadwaita @phosh oof that depends on what I count on atm haha I have a Logic phone rn but probably I'll get a new phone with better camera when I move and then I'll probably be installing Phosh
@almanu @phosh as far as I'm aware the OnePlus 6 does not have working camera support quite yet, but for me that doesn't really matter since I take more pictures with my DSLR than anything else. Camera is actually one of the very few things that doesn't work yet on the OnePlus 6, they are very cheap.
As far as devices with working cameras, the PinePhone Pro is probably the best. You could also try a Droidian device, or possibly see if you can get Droidian running on your own device.
@libadwaita @phosh interesting, imma save that toot. Nice one I appreciate the recommendation. Btw I love ur username loool