There's a reporter on the BBC now saying something about the US and the EU producing democratic AI but China producing authoritarian AI.
Give me fucking strength
When I was a kid we used to worry the planet would be destroyed by a giant mainframe running hunter killer robots. Instead we're going to burn the planet into lifelessness so our billionaires can make more useless money selling us large language models that draw people with thirteen fingers and hallucinating facts that have conspiracy theorists injecting fluorescent light bulbs
@grayface_ghost what the US/EU mean is how dare china make our new cash cow bubble, smaller and cheaper, before we have ripped off all the investors and public.
Ding! Ten points to the Soft-Drink Mythical Creatures team
@grayface_ghost Our glorious and honorable AI, their craven and regressive AI.
@grayface_ghost No, what they have done is sell the plagiarism machines to spooks and armies that will use them first to identify targets (IDF is doing this in Palestine) and then take them out (Boston Dynamics dogbots). No humans will be involved in next-gen lethal ops and the deniability will be complete.