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getting fired from apple for printing out little pieces of paper that say ".DS_Store" and leaving them everywhere


usually im joking when i make these posts but if i got hired there i really might not be able to prevent myself from doing this


full of .DS_Store


this looks like it's getting around so also: consider hiring me if you want to :blobfoxhyper2: (it doesn't have to be apple) (but that would be cool and it would really complete the joke)


@chrisisgr8 I was confused which synchrotron that was until I read the Alt Text!

See for similar looking buildings with very different purposes.

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@DanielEriksson huh, pretty interesting! i suppose they've got an extra use for that building if they ever want to


@DanielEriksson @chrisisgr8 that's a quality science donut *virtually pats its side like the hood of a car*

Quiet public

@chrisisgr8 That’s what happens when you remove the `.` from `.DS_Store`, making it visible.


@chrisisgr8 basically all the walls in that building are glass, and kept spotlessly clean, so apparently people started putting post it notes on them to help avoid slamming into them. But facilities would take them down, because that made them ugly.

I don't know if any of the post-its had .DS_store written on them, but now I hope so!

Quiet public

The thought of this building design makes me want to retch


@chrisisgr8 what do you do, let’s make this happen


@fivetonsflax overall or in detail? i program! and i've been getting into software reversing lately which has been pretty fun


@chrisisgr8 this is the perfect April fools joke


@chrisisgr8 imagine an autonomous RC-sized car with a thermal printer at the back that can cut the paper after each print. All you would have to do is find a way to get on the apple campus and leave the car in a hallway.



god I hate them


@chrisisgr8 @catsalad

we should get all their fax numbers and fax them hundreds of thousands of blank pages with nothing but the filename at the top

see how they like it and if they get the hint


@chrisisgr8 I am having uncomfortable feelings about how deeply funny this is.


@chrisisgr8 They can't really see them when you leave them lying around in file folders on the desk tops but it was when you started tacking them up on the windows that it became a real issue


@chrisisgr8 I wrote a Python script to clean up my digital comic book collection. The very first feature was to remove that file, and all .thumbnails folders


@TheChrisGlass @chrisisgr8 I tried doing this once, but then all my file icons moved around. The file serves a purpose. To keep it out of git repos though, I generally just put a “.gitignore_global” in my home directory and that prevents any accidental pushes of that file anywhere on the system.


@croc @chrisisgr8 the problem is on Windows and Android devices, some of my CBZ readers were unaware of how to handle those folders and treated them like extra pages in the books


@chrisisgr8 oh no, it’s Desktop Services Storage


@aardvark @jimluther i feel like i'm missing some lore here


@chrisisgr8 @aardvark The Macintosh Finder UI has always depended on storing info that tells it how to draw file and folder icons and how/where to draw Finder windows when they are reopened. There have been various places over the decades where that info is stored: FinderInfo in the file systems (now that is an extended attribute in file systems), desktop files, the Desktop Manager (and it's desktop database files), “Icon<cr>” files, the LaunchServices database, and .DS_Store files.

Every mechanism used tends to be visible on some filesystems (mostly non-Apple filesystems) because those filesystems don't provide anywhere to stuff that information other than a file.

Even making those files invisible is difficult when a filesystem is mounted on a non-Apple OS because different OSs have different mechanisms for making files hidden.



@chrisisgr8 @aardvark Oh yeah, Desktop Services is the non-UI part of the Finder code. Its functionality is also used by other parts of macOS - open/save UI, migration assistant, etc.


@jimluther @chrisisgr8 @aardvark If it weren’t for the fact that Spatial Finder is still (poorly) supported on modern macOS, would we even need .DS_Store files any more?


@chrisisgr8 @jimluther that’s a picture celebrating John Sculley, captioned using words he once infamously spoke to a system software engineer right before entering what was going to be a long slog of a beta to get it out the door.


@chrisisgr8 My first instinct when I saw your display name was to wrack my brain for which project's .gitignore file I hadn't initialized properly.


@chrisisgr8 I didn't know that apple was selling the Nintendo DS


@chrisisgr8 still finding em, years later



It's better having them just scattered around, but I could also picture a "take one these" fliers with tear-off slips that just said ".DS_Store"

Post them up around Cupertino and crowd-source it to see where they turn up.


@chrisisgr8 In fact, I'll go first (under the table, needs to be "hidden") #DS_Store


@chrisisgr8 what does .DS_Store do?


@f i believe it's the file that contains all the macos-isms for a folder, like what size the icons are, where they're placed, that sort of stuff


@chrisisgr8 is that bad?


@f @chrisisgr8 from build;
A .DS_store… is an invisible file on the macOS operating system that gets automatically created anytime you look into a folder with ‘Finder.’ This file will then follow the folder everywhere it goes, including when archived, like in ‘ZIP….
This file stores custom attributes/metadata of its containing folder and the names of other files around it. Exposing this information could potentially allow hackers to act maliciously and let them see private files.


@f @chrisisgr8 more:

“Back in 2015, a .DS_Store file was exploited and used to gain access to an admin portal of the TCL Corporation, a multinational Chinese electronics company. The entire backend and database of the application were exposed to anyone that accessed the .DS_Store file”


@chrisisgr8 for the super fanbois.


@chrisisgr8 have you met your partner in crime that works for Microsoft called 'thumbs.db' ?


@flame @chrisisgr8 That guy sometimes forgets the little pieces of paper and just writes it out with a Sharpie, wherever.

Quiet public

@chrisisgr8 keep them in a box labeled __MACOSX


@chrisisgr8 Then getting hired by Microsoft and fired again for leaving pieces of paper with "System Volume Information" on it everywhere.

Quiet public

@chrisisgr8 gonna do this in an apple store