Heavily-modded Cyberpunk 2077 is a story about a porn star that every now and then shoots up some gangsters to buy more clothes
"That's just vanilla Cyberpunk"
Dear reader, I can pose my fem V's erect dick so that it appears to plausibly react to gravity in photos. She's got panties and leotards with bulge. Get on my level
@amydentata Sounds about right for any story set in that universe ngl
@amydentata pfft you don't need mods for that, just a little creative interpretation.
@amydentata also works for minecraft btw
@randomgeek and yet here i am modding the heck out of the game and having a blast
@amydentata depending on the day that could also be OOTB Cyberpunk
@amydentata In Death Stranding Director's Cut there are side missions from mysterious characters who send emails signed V and J. Are they from Cyberpunk?
@onelson there was a cyberpunk tie-in dlc that's included in the directors cut, so probably
@amydentata Same V then? Who the fuck is J?
@onelson haven't seen them but I'm guessing it's Johnny Silverhand
@amydentata There was also a silver hand accessory you could wear and I forget what it did.
@onelson yep! Makes climbing easier and punches stronger
@amydentata This is basically my headcanon for when I play Saints Row.