If you're an audio engineer, or in networking, this might be the carpet from hell
@Natasha_Jay As someone who has two extension leads snaking across her garden to her telescope at night (one power, one ethernet) this would give me nightmares.
@Natasha_Jay That's the back of my computer desk.
@KaraLG84 @Natasha_Jay That is the back of *everyone's* computer desk.
@Natasha_Jay I think my brain would be constantly switching between expecting parts of it to shear off, and trying to avoid stepping on any "cracks".
That style on like a wall, to look more like geological strata might look cool.
@Branedy @Natasha_Jay tripping hazard carpet, sheet genius
@Natasha_Jay More like - get it sorted heaven!!!
@Natasha_Jay I'd wake up in the middle of the night and start taping them down.
@macberg @Natasha_Jay i'd bring a roll of tunnel tape at my second stay in such a room.
@Natasha_Jay I’m neither but still this carpet is awful
@Natasha_Jay OH GOD YES. I AM BOTH. *twitch*
Can't sleep, cables will trip me.
@Natasha_Jay holy crap that's terrible. I'd be walking on tippy toes all the time.
A senior's nightmare! ("
trip" to hospital)
@Natasha_Jay @Probertd8 Aaarrgh! Where’s my gaffa?
@Natasha_Jay I had to go find my gaffer tape to calm down.
You're exactly right, Those things should be taped down so no one trips over them.
@Natasha_Jay Add some silver duct tape to sort it out!
@Natasha_Jay I am both and my brain is doing backflips and failing to land them right now
@Natasha_Jay I would trip every second step, just because I’d be expecting to
@Natasha_Jay My brain was all mad "Where the @*&^%@ is the gaffer tape???'" before I realized this was a pattern.
@Natasha_Jay If the hotel doesn't have a similar picture on their webpage or Booking does not list this in their offer: I smell a lawsuit.
@Natasha_Jay Or, y’know, just in general…
@Natasha_Jay i would trip just by looking while walking.
@Natasha_Jay don't think i could maneuver through here without subconsciously doing the "cables on the floor" walk
@Natasha_Jay Thanks I hate it.
@Natasha_Jay Too few for a network engineer.
@Natasha_Jay whyyyyyyyyyyy
"I need carpet for my hotel."
"What kind of vibe are you going for?"
"The floor underneath someone's desk."
"Say no more."
Reminds me.. Worked for a computer service company, early 90s, it was mostly RS232 serial terminals, with a bit of ARCNET between the servers. So much ended up connected by flat ribbon cable placed under the carpet tiles! This was a new build, designed by the company owner, and he didn't include any provision for computer cabling! Phones, yes, but no data. We were pinning trunking to the walls within the first week of moving in..
@Natasha_Jay is it possible to psychosomatically trip over something?
…that's @podstock, right?
@Natasha_Jay My first intuition after seeing the image, before reading the text, was:
"Someone should clean that up" and then I read ...
looks like a dog dragged his butt across the carpet
@Natasha_Jay This design is a crime
@lindworm@chaos.social @Natasha_Jay@tech.lgbt
I imagine walking on it in low light while being plastered.
@messieass @Natasha_Jay I would scream and jump like a cat you layed a cucumber in his back.
@lindworm@chaos.social @Natasha_Jay@tech.lgbt
Sounds reasonable!
@Natasha_Jay Had to blink my eyes twice… almost fooled me!
@Natasha_Jay nnnnnnnghhhhhh
@Natasha_Jay me: I don't understand. That carpet looks ok underneath those wir... Oh.
@Natasha_Jay@tech.lgbt as an ex audio engineer, thx I hate this.
@Natasha_Jay you should put some real cables to make the look more impressive.
What the fluff?
This is photoshoped? No, it's a real carpet.
@Natasha_Jay Terrified. And uneasy
@Natasha_Jay@tech.lgbt didn't even know it was a carpet even after reading your post, until I read the alt text
@Natasha_Jay@tech.lgbt i wanna be a video producer one day... and this carpet drives me insane
Wondering what hotel 'brand' this is. Just because a designer has an opinion of how things should 'look', it doesn't mean that they have any real life sense.
@Natasha_Jay I saw it as a model railway track layout
@Natasha_Jay @smitty I want a short roll of this to secretly deploy to NOCs during cons.