January 2025 was brutal cold here. We used 3.6MWh in just that one month!
The kWh bank is down to ~700kWh, but spring is near and we're starting to produce more than we consume once again.
@Lydie hi. kWh Bank as in actual battery "bank" capacity, or are we talking about yearly consolidated PV production/grid-feed/grid-usage?
greetings from europe, hang in there.
@h0g3R Net metering banked credit on my electric bill. We have 1:1 net metering in Maryland
@Lydie Very interesting! May I ask what portion of your electricity use is for EV charging? Is it the green line?
Our Saskatchewan winter temps can be in the minus thirties or colder for extended periods. We also have grid tied solar. The greatest limitation to solar generation here seems to be the number of overcast days in any given period. We definitely consume more energy through our heating season too, as a good portion of our heat is an A2A heat pump, on the order of abt. +20-30 kwhrs/day.
@ddmgmgh In the image with red and green, red is load and green is PV.
In the other image, showing 1 week, purple is PV and the rest is load.
EV charging is about 300kWh per month, but I charge at work as well so the number doesn't mean much.