My trans positive children's picture book, Me and My Dysphoria Monster, was directly targetted by a book ban last week.
Rutherford County Library System board members (Tennessee) voted 5-3 to ban / remove the book from libraries.
It's apparently "as dangerous to children as "promoting harmful behaviours like cutting", according to Cody York, the board member who proposed the ban.
In a separate vote the same day, also propsed by York, a new policy was passed that more broadly "is asking for the removal of all material that “promotes, encourages, advocates for or normalizes transgenderism or "gender confusion" in minors.”
To be clear, the library board is distinct from librarians or library staff, who are working hard to create safe and queer affirming spaces in the community.
I have heard from multiple librarians who all agree they don't know anyone who supported the policy. They are heartbroken by this move.
While my book was directly targetted and voted for a ban by name after a three hour meeting, this is bigger than my specific book. The follow up vote shows this is part of a broader attempt to prevent resources about trans identity being available for children who may need them.
Be it trans children needing language to explain their experience to others, or trans adults needing tools to explain their experience to younger family members, this ban is about restricting access to tools that may help children understand that trans people exist and are normal members of society.
We all just want to grow up, become someone we like being, and be able to love who we've become.
That's the story of the book. To compare that to an instruction manual telling children how to slit their wrists is fucking vile.
How dare you paint a book of self acceptance that way.
@LauraKBuzz oh man :S I hope the other book issues get's resolved soon.
This shit really pisses me off.
I look at what kids today know and I compare it to my tail-end-of-Section-28 sex education and the real damage a lack of knowledge did.
I had a gay neighbour and it didn't even occur to me that he might have some insight on what I was feeling, because I wasn't gay
No-one told me LGBT+ was a thing let alone Ace stuff.
I didn't figure things out until my 30s and, I want to say, in large part to your visibility.
So thank you, and keep fighting.
@LauraKBuzz Nazis everywhere
lol that's the same county that incarcerated children en masse, based on made-up laws,_Tennessee_juvenile_arrest_and_incarceration_scandal
@LauraKBuzz Ugh, I'm so sorry. I lived in Rutherford County for over 10 years, and I still have family and friends there. It makes me so sad to see their leadership make such hateful choices over and over and over again...