Finished Starfield, haven't been sucked in to a game this much for a while.
The story was great, I really wish they let you fly your spaceship though.
@BridgetClinch I thought the "end" did better than NMS. Plus, if you NG+ it you get to fly that ship and the best suit in game
I'm actually enjoying it more as on the 2nd run, it that's even possible
@sortius I didn't realise that one had a story
I might get around to some PC maintenance before another go through, I got some parts to be able to make a second water-cooling loop, and I have a better graphics card with an AIO style cooler that I'd like to get working, but if I can't, at least I can keep the CPU's loop intact whilst stuffing around with GPUs.
@BridgetClinch yeh, the story came in years later, and it's, well, it's trash. Compared to Starfield, it's barely worth mentioning, and the "end", much like Starfield, isn't really any end but a universe jump.
I was going to wait a week or two, but I figure this time I'll play through as a mostly pirate dude with a drug production base