Physicians and other members of health staff, I know #COVID testing has become a part of your routine, but please, take the time to ask if we have any nose problems before swabs.
I have a #septum #deviation and I've been operated on my #sinuses several times. Two days ago, a doctor I don't know just made me cry out in pain because of a COVID swab, and believe me I'm not afraid of pain. I never understand why health practicioners sometimes are so brutal.
Two days later it still hurt.
Get tested anyway people! But if you are in my case, tell people before that you have a deformity and ask them to be gentle. No need to be in pain in a COVID swab. It's just uncomfortable.
Here the swabbing has been serf-administered while the physician observes for ages. I didn't realize this was not universal by now, but it handily solves that particular problem.
I did two tests are home but apparently that was not enough for him, he probably did think I was not thorough enough.
I wonder if he ever considered that you can be sick without being sick with COVID. There are a lot of other germs in the wild...
And it is what I have :) neither COVID nor the flu.
You should hear my voice aha, it dropped two octaves. Finally, I'm going through puberty!
You're going to start having feelings for other young men, and that's normal.
I never had feelings for young men, love, I was always in full daddy complex.
(I like the typing mistake: you mean it is administered by serves? Like in pre-1917 Russia?)
Hah I didn't even notice that I use the Dvorak keyboard layout, and the 'r' is right next to the 'l' and apparently autocorrect figured this was a plausible word to use in this sentence
You know how to talk to gurllllls like me, daddy. Do you know I have a… compose key on my windows system?
Next you'll be telling me you built your own keyboard, you saucy flirt.
No, but I dream of a mechanical keyboard. (Ohh, time to update this amazon wishlist)
Ohhhhh it's big…
I need one with cherry black silent keys and it's not easy to find
For this one I used Kailh noble yellows for the alphanumeric keys and Cherry silent reds for the modifier keys.
Do you know how much it cost for the entire thing ?
About $400 US all told. It is not an inexpensive hobby.
Ouch, indeed. Thank you for the info