Any #HamRadio folks have an Anytone AT-5555n ii? I just got one and I can't get VOX to work to save my life and could use a hand. I have the VOX level set to 1 and the time set to 1 and even screaming into the mic for a few seconds doesn't activate it.
To add on to this, I did a search for AnyTone support and there's a company based in the US called AnyTone Tech that presents itself as AT support. Meanwhile on their "about" page they're walking down the Romans Road trying to save my eternal soul.
@astrid This clearly isn't the official AnyTone site and I'm not even sure if they're really the US support partner or if they're just good at SEO and hamfisted attempts at sharing their gospel. Anyone ever work with AnyTone Tech?
@robotfactory @astrid me again. If Radioddiy sells your rig, they usually have good information. I bought my G90 through them and have delt with their customer service, installed firmware, etc.
@KB2DSR Great idea! And I agree, Radioddity has surprisingly good customer support. Unfortunately they don't deal in AnyTone devices.
@KB2DSR Looks like the manual for the AT-5555n, not the AT-5555n II, and I've got the manual for the II in my hand right now as unhelpful as it is. :(
Also, that site just gave me a fake antivirus popup so please be careful.
@robotfactory oh poop. OK.
That should be a legit site. I use it semi-regularly but I run Linux.
@robotfactory I would not be surprised if they send out religious pamphlets as QSL cards. And yes, I did receive a couple of those.
@K5KHK Have you ever gotten a Chick Tract with a QSL card?
@robotfactory Don’t know - I did not read any of the ones I received. So I don’t know what exactly they were. BTW, these were not sent with cards, they had stickers with the QSO details on them, so they technically were the cards.
@robotfactory Lying for Jesus is always cool :)
@W6KME Mom? Is that you?