The laptop was delivered yesterday. Early. I was delighted.
I spent most of the evening yesterday hopping and jumping and formatting...and in the end, I landed back towards the familiar.
I'm still delighted. :)
I only had one hiccup with the Mint install, and it's a common Intel GPU panel refresh issue that takes a quick kernel disable.
Everything else is working so smoothly. I'm shocked how things are going (so far); I've had some rough experiences with Linux and laptops in the past, and the standard hardware of this machine has helped a ton (so far). :)
What's y'all's favorite Linux music player? :)
I queried everyone with the intent of trying all the suggestions and reporting back. Two folks (and several others afterwards) immediately suggested Quod Libet as their favorite. So I started with it.
With a number of track layouts, an EXCELLENT tagging system, and deep configuration changes with a number of plugins, this might have pegged my wants in one. It's good.
I'm still going to try the others suggested...but they have a high bar to clear. Quod Libet (I know...I don't like the name either) is really good. :) Awesome! zsh+kitty are fabulous
@retronianne Original XMMS. Nothing since it (that I've used) has been as versatile, easy to use, or fun
@retronianne I was a big fan of Amarok 1.4 which became Clementine which is now Strawberry.
I was not a fan of Amarok 2, but some people liked it.
I am also a big fat hypocrite as I have a Plex server now and just listen to everything via Firefox or the Plex App.
@retronianne Oh, I also forgot that I listen to #vinylrecords via my Audio-Technica USB interface. So I guess "bash" is also one my music players these days?
$ cat ~/
record_date=`date '+%s'`
arecord -v -c 2 -r 44100 -f s16 -D hw:1 - | tee ${record_file} | aplay -v -c 2 -r 44100 -Vstereo - I made my own! It's not very good, though. Missing a lot of features. Also it's written in D, which means extra steps to install, and the UI is in Esperanto but with bad grammar.
@retronianne audacious is more or less doing the job for me. qmmp is worth a shout too. i did some searching, because i wanted something simple, that had global keys, and notifications. these two were the closest i got. but it turns out it's really easy to write your own notifications. i love foss.
Honestly, I enjoy Rhythmbox because it reminds me of iTunes when macOS still had single digits behind the X
@retronianne strawberry! it's not pretty but it scrobbles to and has a really nice queue interface. also it tend to run well.
@retronianne mpv, now i've got used to it (it was mplayer). second is ffplay.
(for day-to-day music, i have a busybox httpd
server running on my phone, and a little shell script that shuffles the list of all the tracks on there and plays each one in turn with ffplay. it works better than anything else i've ever tried...)
@retronianne i see you've already been inundated with recommendations :)
but i use cmus for music. it's a terminal app. i enjoy
@retronianne moc aka music on console
@retronianne Clementine. It comes very close to whipping the llama's ass.
@retronianne I liked Amarok, but it was buggy and crashing, so I'm using Clementine.
@retronianne Nice try. Linux doesn’t have audio.
@oscherler Heh. True. :)
@retronianne it reminds me of songbird, a now abandoned open source mp3 player built using mozilla stuff.
(Note: DO NOT download it... Might have adware, spam, malware).
@retronianne Also a... fan? of Quod Libet?
I find it kinda boring, but everything else I try fails to deliver the basic competence Quod Libet delivers in every angle I want it to.
@gourdcaptain I'll take functionality over flashy anyday. :)