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We've made magnetic tape at home, and it (sort of) works. I was hoping to improve its quality, but so far I had no progress in the last month, so might as well share what me and @yottatsa managed to do, plus some thoughts on the topic.

Edit: now there's videos:

🧵 (next posts will be unlisted)

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Computers have used magentic storage almost since their conception, and they still widely use it. The most peculiar example of that is how home computers of the 70s and 80s were using domestic tape players for data storage.

The affordability of the medium and the ease of the implementation are very attractive qualities, as you can see! There's also a bonus: magnetic media can store analog data (including audio).

So, it is very tempting to try and build a magnetic storage system. There are three major components to it: magnetic medium, magnetic head, and "glue" (mechanics, signal amplifiers, etc).

Quiet public

Here comes AEG Magnetophon K1, circa 1935, the first commercial tape reel recorder.

What does it have in common with modern devices like reel-to-reel decks? Turns out, a lot!

It uses a very similar medium - and in fact tapes from Magnetophon should be playable on newer devices, and vice versa (but playback speed needs to be adjusted).

It uses magnetic head based on the same principles as modern heads, and it has very similar schematics - though it turns out cheap Chinese walkman knock-offs are closer to AEG than Elizabethan, because no AC bias :D

So, the step one here is to try and make a working magnetic tape that will work with my tape recorder. If there's a way to make new tape, this very method can be used to make floppies and magnetic drums.

Quiet public

The very first magnetic tapes used iron, which was replaced with iron rust Fe3O4 for Magnetophon, and shortly after replaced with another iron rust, Fe2O3. Let's start simple and see where will it get us?

The tape medium itself, since the 50s or so, was based on 3M Scotch product, but before that it was just paper and glue. I want to experiment with both, but I'll start with the simpler one: Scotch tape, 1/4 inch.

I wanted to make an iron tape first. Where do I get iron? A steel nail and a file!

Quiet public

Prototype 1

The tape is grainy and there's lots of gaps, but no more metal can be added to it.

The tape doesn't work, as expected.

Quiet public

What if I use existing magnetic paper from tickets?

Prototype 2.
Doesn't work either.
No matter what they use for magnetic paper, it's not good.

Prototype 3:
Iron grains were too big. Let's use fine iron powder!

Result: the tape is very heavy and responds to magnets a lot, but it doesn't work with the tape recorder.

Hypothesis: it needs both magnetic and paramagnetic material in the tape. Is it too magnetic?

Quiet public

Prototype 4

What is less magnetic then iron but still have somewhat similar properties? Rust!

Perhaps that was the reason why Magnetophon used it?

Let's get find a rusty pan and scrape some rust off. xD It's going to be unpredictable mess of Fe2O3, Fe3O4 and FeOOH and maybe more.

Does it work? No.
Does it look similar to magentic tape? Hell yes. You still can see the grainy texture and pretty brown colour

Quiet public

We already know from the web that many tapes use Fe2O3 (until it was replaced by CrO2 and more complicated stuff). Let's get some in a science lab shop, and figure out how to synthesize it later.

Quiet public

Prototype 5:

Applying Fe2O3 to scotch and paper tape. It is really fine rust, and the surface looks nice.

It looks JUST like a store bought tape

But it doesn't work?! 😭

Testing it with a magnet (get a magnet and see if it sticks and how much) shows that it is much less magnetic than regular store bought tape. Huh??! Huh!!!?!

Prototype 6

Let's try to add MORE rust. Glueing an extra layer of rust on top of rust made it slightly more magnetic, but it does not work, still.

Quiet public

A magnet in a glove and Fe2O3 rust: it is barely magnetic.

Do we have other options? Hmm...

Prototype 7:

What if we cut our Fe2O3 with some small amount of Fe? It will make the tape as magnetic as we want it.

I made a tape with increasing concentrations of Fe in the mix.

And, it's a miracle! Well, science.

We recorded some radio on the tape, and the signal/noise level seemed to be quite good. The volume level was quite low though 🤔🤔🤔

The BIG question: 50 years ago, did the companies used some other sort of Fe2O3?

Quiet public

So, did the companies 50 years ago used some other sort of Fe2O3?

YES 😂😭

The common type of rust, alpha-Fe2O3, is actually not a great ferromagnetic! The type of rust used commercially for data storage has different crystalline structure and called gamma-fe2o3

It should be possible to convert some of a-Fe2O3 to g-Fe2O3 by heating. We might get some side results, though, like atomic Fe.

Nevertheless, why not try?

Another potential option is boiling Fe2O3 in water at 150C. Maybe we'll get to it later.

We made sure to make our material really hot. Maybe it was a bad idea, but...

Quiet public

Look at those magnetic properties, damn!!!

Prototype 9: the tape sort of works, it's very loud, but it has lots of large grains of the magnetic material that result in lots of added noise.

Looking at the fractions, Atsuko realised that there's lots of iron-looking grains in there. We probably overheated the material. If we can figure out how to make the particles finer, that could help, too.

And so the quest for Gamma-Fe2O3 begins! If it fails, we can always return to figuring out proportions between rust and iron xD Or, perhaps, rust and nickel - such a mix should also be ferromagnetic.

Quiet public

Some resources said that we should be able to get gamma-Fe2O3 after baking it with water at 100-150 °C.

The magnetic properties of the rust didn't seem to change (a tape test needed to verify though).

Quiet public

Next step, incidentally useful for just getting Fe2O3 rust:

Nail is attached to + anode, copper wire is - cathode, we run 1-2 amps of low voltage current through a broth made of NaCOOH•nH2O - which is an electrolyte that shouldn't react with Fe at all. The result should be a solution of yellow rust FeO(OH), known as ochre.

FeO(OH) heated to about 200°C should give us Fe2O3, but it's magnetic properties we won't know until we try.

The amount of FeOOH we got THIS time seemed to be insignificant. More research needed. But at least we got decent rust. xD

Perhaps @yottatsa could share more on this experiment.

Quiet public

@nina_kali_nina @yottatsa

Nina you are nuts I love it 🤣

Quiet public

@selzero @yottatsa I know thanks :ms_crazy:

Quiet public

Would love to hear the results, do you think you could post the audio?

Quiet public

@stib @yottatsa 🤔​ I can make a recording, yes, but I am not sure if it is useful outside of any context.

Perhaps the most sensible way would be to get a test audio file (sine, voice, music), and compare commercial tape with home-made tape, so it'd be possible to analyse how much worse DIY tape is compared to commercial one. But the tape runs at 19 cm per second, and I have maybe 1 (one) m of the tape - enough to confirm that it works/doesn't work, but not enough to do long-ish tests.

So, I could either make a 3s sample, or try to prepare a few meters of the tape as imperfect as it is now, and make a longer-running audio test.

Quiet public

@nina_kali_nina @stib @yottatsa Regarding "3s sample" -- people have "always" had some way to turn short tapes into loops (e.g. for special FX), somehow. I don't know how they do it, but it's at least a possibility.

Quiet public
Quiet public

@dougmerritt @nina_kali_nina @stib @yottatsa Yeah, this is super interesting for building a tape Echo as they were built in the 70ies. There was a tape loop or a magnetic disc to produce a delayed version of the original signal. The Echoplex and the Binson Echorec were examples.

Quiet public

@nina_kali_nina @yottatsa This is absolutely wonderful! I love this thread and the adventure you're sharing.

I've a "small" collection of Ampex and Studer machines, and in ~2004 an acquaintance opened a factory to make tape in Pennsylvania, with the closing of Quantegy and BASF facilities looming (iirc). I won't assume this pro-audio bias (ha ha) is interesting to you. but happy to offer some links if you like.

Quiet public

@zarbet @yottatsa woooooooo please do 😍

Quiet public

@nina_kali_nina @yottatsa so I must admit to being quite out of the loop compared to past years. I'm still using my stock of BASF and Quantegy/Ampex, and a number of Maxell cassettes. If you need any small bits of tape for comparison maybe I could help.

Quiet public

@nina_kali_nina @yottatsa The popular current production I see in studios now is from
which split from

ATR MagneticsATR Magnetics
Quiet public

@nina_kali_nina @yottatsa Sadly, Mike passed away in 2013, but his opening a whole factory to make tape was consistent with his love of audio and the machines to record it:

HistoryOfRecording.comMike SpitzThe, Mike Spitz, tribute page.
Quiet public

@zarbet @yottatsa thanks! I honestly wouldn't know what to do with them, though; we have a small amount of tapes from ebay that seem to work fine (^_^)
You can tell we're not audiophiles :D

Quiet public

@nina_kali_nina @yottatsa heh, that means you're not biased by sillyness, and you can have good fun with it!

Quiet public

@nina_kali_nina @yottatsa thanks for this thread! This is super interesting!

Quiet public

@nina_kali_nina @yottatsa After baking, the rate of cooling should control the grain/magnetic domain size (note the whole subject of quenching), which I think should sharply affect your results.

As a side thought, "wire recorders" were very popular briefly somewhere circa the 1950s. That would be problematic for the actual record/playback machine, but I vaguely wonder if wires have any true advantages over tape.

Quiet public

@dougmerritt @yottatsa wires do have advantages over tape, as far as I know: they don't need rocket-science magnetic head for them to work. Big reel-to-reel head needs to be made with 10um precision or so, and portable tape players require 1um...

Quiet public

@dougmerritt @yottatsa If you happen to have links for the charts (magnetic domain size / rate of cooling), that'd be awesome. That's a whole new area to experiment on!

Quiet public

@nina_kali_nina @yottatsa Sorry to say that I do not have links for quenching etc. Clearly there *are* people out there somewhere who Know Things About This, but...

Quiet public

@dougmerritt @yottatsa T_T i sure hope there are people who still know how this can be done without an expensive lab

Quiet public

@nina_kali_nina @yottatsa In this particular case, it's only about timing of cooling, and I'm quite sure that you don't need sub-second timing for your purpose, so I wouldn't worry too much.

But speaking of which, perhaps you're the kind of person who would be interested in the classic "The Scientific American Book of Projects for the Amateur Scientist", C. L. Stong, 1960 (Goodreads has it as 1901 which is simply wrong).

How to make your own x-ray device, how to make your own cyclotron, biology, optics, much more.

It's a one-of-a-kind that probably couldn't be published today, since a few of the projects (like the x-ray and cyclotron) are very dangerous for non-experts or the careless sort.

It's where I first heard of the Vortex (Hilsch / Ranque-Hilsch / Ranque-Dirac-Hilsch) tube for separating hot from cold, and is still the only place I personally have seen that when I didn't outright search for it -- but maybe that's just me.

It was based on the magazine column

I see some used copies on the web for $68, not *too* bad for something weird like this, but if you can't locate a paper copy, I see there's a scan on and another on libgen.

Libgen has high-quality OCR more often than, but who knows.

GoodreadsThe Scientific American Book of Projects for the Amateu…Experiments and constructions, challenges and diversion…
Quiet public

@dougmerritt @nina_kali_nina @yottatsa

I would love to see something similar for wire recorders, but I suspect that the material is no longer commonly available and would NOT be trivial to make from scratch in small batches.

Quiet public

@JHB17 @dougmerritt @yottatsa the theory for wire recorders is simpler, it should work with any iron wire and a strong magnetic field. Darn, I actually want to try it. :D

Quiet public

@nina_kali_nina @yottatsa Oh I am SO here for this thread.

Have you seen the Secret Life Of Machines episode where Tim Hunkin records on his bandsaw blade? IIRC he and Rex Garrod make their own tape in that episode too

Quiet public

@ifixcoinops @yottatsa I have heard about the episode, yes! I haven't seen it, but from what I've heard, my guess would be they had Fe3O4/black oxide. I should check it out...

Quiet public

@ifixcoinops @yottatsa Here's the video in question:

they don't mention what type of rust they use; could be carefully selected Fe2O3, could be Fe3O4.

Quiet public

@ifixcoinops @nina_kali_nina @yottatsa LOVED THAT SHOW. They showed it on The Learning Channel back in the mid-90s.

Tim Hunkin is still alive and made the shows available!

YouTubeThe Secret Life of Machines Remastered
Quiet public

@DeltaWye @nina_kali_nina @yottatsa one of these days I'll get to his arcade :)

Quiet public

@nina_kali_nina @yottatsa This is awesome and interesting work. I hope some in the Fediverse can help you succeed.

Quiet public

@nina_kali_nina This is so great. I started making music with splicing tape, read a lot about the history of recorders, but the actual components of tape always slipped through.

There's people who build their own optical film, which is a much easier process, comparatively.

Quiet public

@slowtiger To be honest, I have no idea how to approach photo film making without investing in expensive chemicals and lab equipment. This tape is almost literally rust I scrapped from a pan on top of a sticky tape!

Quiet public

@nina_kali_nina That's what I like about it. This thread should be recommended to all SF authors who fantasize about re-inventing certain technologies after a havary ...

Quiet public

@slowtiger tbh this. As you might have noticed, every now and then I'm trying to do things that are supposed to be simple according to the common knowledge. They're not :)

Quiet public

@nina_kali_nina Coincidence: yesterday night I pondered an SF novel idea: 1000 yrs from now mankind is much smaller. But how far ist that possible? To have computers you need chips, which need lots of certain minerals, and that one very expensive photolithography machine from the Netherlands, and film, and more. So how small could mankind become and still use all this technology?

"Imagine: creating a pencil from scratch!" (Arno Schmidt)

Quiet public

@slowtiger pencil is ez, I made one many times o_O

Quiet public

@slowtiger @nina_kali_nina You might be interested in this YouTube channel who’s attempting to make microchips from scratch:

Quiet public

@nina_kali_nina @yottatsa

This is insanely fun to read. Thanks for sharing. Good luck!