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We welcome all marginalized identities. This Mastodon instance is generally for folks who are LGBTQIA+ and Allies with an interest in tech work, academics, or technology in general.

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Oh, as a topic wanderer myself (I don’t like the word “generalist”), I love and endorse this comic.

(via @simondlr’s newsletter).

@rianvdm @simondlr

Four-panel comic by

First panel shows a graph with X-axis labeled Bad / Good / Great . A horizontal bar labeled "Skill" goes across, and a man stands on it. Text: You can achieve true greatness if you focus fully on one thing.

Second panel shows graph with same x-axis,, y-axis has many bars labeled "Skill", all in the range Bad to Good. The man is looking up at the bars. Text: If you have too many interests, you'll never reach your full potential.

Third panel shows man climbing up the bars of the graph as if they were a ladder. Text: Wait, where the fuck are you going?

Fourth panel shows man at top of ladder, sitting on a wall overlooking a calm ocean with mountains in the distance.