I’m trying to react to this reasonably, and I say this as an accessibility advocate and someone who writes alt for 99% of my posts, but snitch tagging an alt text bot on my lost dog post is some pathological shit and one of the reasons I don’t use Mastodon much.
Like the wild thing is, I did write alt text for the post but whether it was frantic user error or a glitch from posting from airplane wifi, it didn’t get posted. So it’s just two kinds of salt on a very fresh wound.
@heyjovo That’s unfortunate that someone responded to you that way. I feel like often people need to take a deep breath and think about where other people might be in their lives.
Best wishes on finding your dog!
@heyjovo What the duck is wrong with people?!? Read the goddamned room.
@heyjovo To lighten the thread, I’m say alt text is not needed here as if one can't see the picture, they won't be able to spot your dog (I hope someone located it by then) [I know, it's really bad humor]
@heyjovo So sorry someone did that. I don’t regret moving away from righteous nazis but righteous dickheads should shrivel up and die. Especially the ones who won’t honestly own their actions.