Some personal news: my wife and I have not been able to enter our apartment for more than a few minutes at a time since 12/23 due to #perlite dust #contamination which is similar to #fiberglass. Tara had to go to the #er for breathing problems and severe pain that night and we've been in hotels and hostels ever since. #advice welcome. Should we stop paying #rent? #landlord won't clean it so we're having to pay out of pocket.
Doing this over the holidays has been a nightmare. Hotel prices spike, restaurants closed, services we need like duct cleaning are all booked up bc of holiday backlog and recent #naturaldisasters.
Perlite in our clothes is like thousands of needles constantly poking into our skin. #laundering doesn't help. Repeated exposure can likely cause #silicosis which we suspect Tara may already have from another event years ago. The particles have a trait similar to static electricity where they stick to EVERYTHING and spread like a bomb went off.