my timing, joining tech dot lgbt was alongside a lot of twitter refugees
but i wasn't a twitter refugee
i hadn't touched twitter since 2012 or so, except when i was mandated to do so for contract reasons
similarly, i hadn't touched facebook in the same time period
i joined fedi to experience social media again, not replace my current social was a response to a completely different event that happened in late 2022.
the election
but on tech dot lgbt i don't feel that pressure, i don't feel like my very story and identity is being stolen
i feel safe to be who i am
yes, my information can be scraped
it can be stolen
but the action of speaking here isn't inherently surrendering my story to the machine, myself to the machine
fedi let me exist, let me feel like i am allowed to be part of the world even after everything that i've been through
decentralized social media matters
i will probably put this on my blog later today so it can be boosted in whole but i wanted the thread form to disambiguate the various CW as well
the blog post is now up
as it says in the footer, it has been edited in parts to fix grammatical errors, for clarity, and to include additional details that were not part of the original thread. so even if you've read the thread, worth a read.
@deilann Thank you so much for sharing!
we talk a lot about the problems with decentralized social media and we talk a lot about why it matters in generalized terms
but sometimes, we need to talk about stuff in the specific so it really sinks into those weird brains of ours