Yep, I can really recommend that meowdule.
It only ever gives a variation of a single reply to every question posed:
"Fuck off! I'm lying in the sun / asleep / hungry * right now, though I might let you stroke me later."
* Delete as applicable.
@Natasha_Jay definitely raises the intelligence quoti.
@Natasha_Jay meowchine learning?
@urlyman @Natasha_Jay and he is always right!
This is the kind of tech I can get behind!
@Natasha_Jay Use trackball or touchpad only, incompatible with mouse peripherals.
Can be controlled by laser pointer
@Natasha_Jay perhaps Mistral's LeChat
@Natasha_Jay if I fits I sits
@Natasha_Jay c'est "Le Chat"
@Natasha_Jay Operates entirely on fuzzy logic.
@Natasha_Jay haha warmest place in the house! will be begging you to mine crypto now
@Natasha_Jay Is it much faster meow?
@Natasha_Jay Well, is it compatible with Cat5e or Cat6 cables?
Ready when paws are folded in
@Natasha_Jay Nothing artifical about that intelligence!
@CubeThoughts @Natasha_Jay It is obviously Animal Intelligence.
@Natasha_Jay loafer is the new wafer
@Natasha_Jay talking about Le chat ia
@Natasha_Jay It looks life like .
AI = Artificial Insanity
@Natasha_Jay What kind of cable do you use to connect it to the system?
Some kind of CAT cable, or...
Where does it plug in?
it has at its rear a pawtchpanel
Does it play chess well?
@Roodie @Natasha_Jay it has not lost a game. And often sends pieces flying.
Maybe it's Mistral's "Le Chat"
@Natasha_Jay this PC requires a CAT9 cable.
@Natasha_Jay I have that module on my PC. It loads cat pics whenever I use Mastodon, particularly on saturdays.
@Natasha_Jay what happens when you cat catGPT ?
@Natasha_Jay very real intelligence there
@Natasha_Jay I think you should actually leave a cat flap in the side of the casing for the kitty.
Maybe add some lining on the inside to keep the hair out or wires from getting nibbled.
@Natasha_Jay, in France, it would be a perfect module "cHatgpt"
@Blutriskell @Natasha_Jay whe you say Chat got in french, it sounds like saying "Cat, I farted!". So maybe that's what happens there.
@WildEnte, es tut mir leid aber ich habe nicht verstanden
@Blutriskell ChatGPT wird auf Französisch genauso gesprochen wie "Chat j'ai pété" (= cat, I farted).
@WildEnte C’est vrai! Je n’y avais pas pensé, bien vu!
Oh, so that's why AI is always asking to be fed ?
@Natasha_Jay Leaning on the fuzzy logic aspect of AI is definitely the way to go..
@Natasha_Jay LOL
Hopefully the new module never fails....catastrophically! :)
@Natasha_Jay this is slightly better in French
@Natasha_Jay Finally one we can trust!
@Natasha_Jay that looks very advanced, but may not be mouse compatible.
I would query that oracle.
@Natasha_Jay may be this will crash the stock markets
@Natasha_Jay I must have installed mine wrong. All I get are hissing noises