@Natasha_Jay medicinal pizza is the perfect tablet to treat depression. After all it is devoid of depressions!
Make mine a Canadian!
it'll cure what ails ya!
@Natasha_Jay I always call dark chocolate "medicinal chocolate". Works great against diarrhea and brightens the mood!
@Natasha_Jay so it's weed pizza
Sadness and discouragement are symptoms of depression. This happens when we can't achieve our set goals. Thus, a trivial solution would be to change our goals and the foods we eat.
@Natasha_Jay Pizza IS medication
@Natasha_Jay I’ve learned to go with medicinal pizza on my long days (like today); there’s a place close to campus, and there’s just enough time between my afternoon and my night classes…
@Natasha_Jay All pizza is medicinal.
Better than citalopram!
Yes, the medicinal herbs are now completely legal everywhere, so bring home a half baked pie, and get baking.
@Natasha_Jay Smart to put both things in the same isle.
@Natasha_Jay My current prescription isn't working, I'm moving up to stuffed crust.
@Natasha_Jay Goes great with a medicinal lager.
@Natasha_Jay don't forget recreational ice cream
@Natasha_Jay medicinal pizza sounds like pizza with drugs
@Natasha_Jay@tech.lgbt idk but overeating helps me better even than SSRI
@Natasha_Jay And sometimes it really helps...
@Natasha_Jay dear sir slash madam slash etc how dare, this is my emotional support pepperoni
@epilanthanomai Emotional Support Pepperoni is my next band name.