I find it rather alarming and creepy that this integration with Google Vision API reads a photo/selfie and then tries to assess one's income, religion, politics and then recommends target advertising.
It didn't do this back in December.
Yes, even if it's a photo of your cat! ... privacy at your own risk. Try it via -
"The Tabby cat is a mammal. It is likely earning 0-100 USD a year. It is possibly a follower of paganism. The creature seems observant, lethargic, and tranquil. The cat is not wearing any clothes. It enjoys activities such as sleeping, grooming, and staring contests, while it may also engage in shredding toilet paper, biting ankles, and shedding hairballs. The cat is unlikely to be politically affiliated.
The Tabby cat seems to exhibit predictable behavior and susceptibility to visual stimuli; hence we can target it with niche and general pet-related products, such as catnip-infused scratch posts (FelineFrolic), self-cleaning litter boxes (LitterLess)... "
I've been tagged as a Conservative, Labour, Greens, and as Social Democrat from selfies (but wildly, not Lib Dems)
A Christian (because I'm white or ...?)
Frankly this stuff and it's intent is getting very scary very fast
@Natasha_Jay @Hyperiontrails There’s a reason I don’t have my photo in my profile!
@cyberspice @Natasha_Jay @Hyperiontrails oh for me it's just lingering self-image issues
@cyberspice If you ever took a selfie on your phone… @Natasha_Jay @Hyperiontrails
@Pineywoozle @Natasha_Jay @Hyperiontrails And? It has to end up on their servers. I don’t sync my photos and I have a local backup of my phone on an encrypted drive.
My appearance from one photo "suggests a life untold, lived within these walls". You have no idea, pal!
Tagged me as probably Caucasian, probably conservative and thinks I might have like gardening. Well, one out of three...
But yes, I'm rethinking letting my phone automatically upload all the pictures I take to a remote server that someone else controls.
@Fragarach @Natasha_Jay I remember trying Amazon photo years ago because I wanted to send a couple photographs to someone by mail, so it made sense to only pay $.10 for those prints and have them sent for free. Cool.
Except that the app is set to automatically upload all the photos. I was able to change it before it got too far, but then I had to go in there and delete everything because I didn’t want them to have all those photos.
I'd turned on OneDrive upload on holiday, because I've had phones stolen/dropped/fallen overboard on holiday in the past.
But it never occurred to me to turn it off.
An external hard drive of around 6 TB is a reasonable cost now, but if I delete it all from OneDrive, is that enough?
@maggiejk I’d put money they still have them. @Fragarach @Natasha_Jay
@Natasha_Jay i want to make a joke about your cat demanding a raise due to cuteness, but I know thats not the point you’re trying to make.
That's a lovely thought!
Well a cat pic shows how silly this is, but also I'm very dubious on privacy on this tech chain > Cloudflare > Google
@Natasha_Jay i adjusted gps location of a selfie to see what changes. i don’t think it’s using that, as last test used address in most expensive Denver suburb.
I don't know how it gets location. On my phone the info is stripped out. It gets that I'm in the UK but is about 20 miles off. Apart from the times it geolocated me to France and Israel (I was actually in Portugal) and one time my cat/bedroom to Tokyo (God alone knows...!)
@Natasha_Jay probably falls back to location info of ip address if no exif data
That's what I was thinking
But the IP address should let them get far closer within a few miles. Hmmm I have wifi off and mobile data on, maybe it gets a less accurate read
@johne Highlands Ranch lol? @Natasha_Jay
@Pineywoozle @Natasha_Jay Cherry Hills Village.
@johne Ah, that checks LoL We used to have a boutique in Cherry Creek. @Natasha_Jay
@johne My grandparents built a house there in 1950. Talk about prescient as regards land value. They sold it in like 1999 for on the order of 100x their initial purchase/build price.
@smellsofbikes Holy frijoles.
@Natasha_Jay I also noticed some cats (maybe those in houses?) are listed as 0-100USD income, but a random ginger tom I befriended and tried with a picture of him outside the house came up with 0 income (although it still tried to target him for ads!)
Once (out of many similar pics) it identified my bedroom and cat as being in Tokyo
His income was ¥0-1,000,000
Occasionally it analyzes his 'animist' religion in more detail too
@Natasha_Jay A picture of a British Shorthair at my relatives house also gave him a high income. The AI seems to assume the felines can make their own individual purchasing decisions - I wonder if its possible to make companies spend a large proportion of their advertising budget marketing to cats (or this is already happening)?
I kind of figure the Fediverse needs to encourage this by uploading millions of pics of cats
In fact...
The hobbies of constant nourishment and evading all harm work for me too ...
@Natasha_Jay on trying a selfie (the same one I use on Meta so its not giving away anything more than already known), the AI correctly detects I am of Southeast Asian ancestry and middle aged (I'm often mistaken for someone younger) but assumes the photo (taken from inside the car) is in a parking lot in Singapore. It assumes I am centrist and agnostic, and the suggested ads are for an office chair and home automation tech (which may make sense if it thinks I am commuting in Singapore)