Politicians don’t merely respond to public opinion. They shape it.
Public opinion is more negative about trans people because Republicans spent years shaping it against us.
Democrats will be successful as leaders who show us a better future, not as cowards who tremble before public opinion.
@bmacDonald94 @LilahTovMoon Their capitulation to the right is an affront to me. They’re dwelling on, obsessing over, this detail of sexuality in high school sports and I can’t stand how spoilt and stupid it is. What about the steroids the straight kids take? It’s too much. Leave the trans kids the fuck alone. Edit: I’m not a mom, just hate this excessive BS.
@wendinoakland @LilahTovMoon ~ Agreed entirely. A key tactic of fascism is marginalizing a group as non human. We see this in Gaza, in the Ukraine and in the US. I feel, as you I can only be the wall that movement hits. Thank you for the comments my friend.
Yes, please.
Doing the right thing when it's popular is easy, courage is doing the right thing no matter what.
@LilahTovMoon um... you mean when they threw us under the bus to get votes elsewhere then bashed us after they lost?