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"The democrats say 'please don't call [immigrants] animals; they're humans.' I said, 'no, they're not humans, they're not humans; they're animals.'"

Trump is reaching new levels of evil.


@LilahTovMoon to be fair, it’s more like old levels of evil.


@LilahTovMoon Little Hitler wannabe is trying everything because nothing else seems to be working. Calling him a cornered animal is an insult to cornered animals.


@vonxylofon @LilahTovMoon

Right you are. Harris up plus 6 in new poll today. People are tired of this shuff.


@LilahTovMoon All those <insert term here> standing behind him. Were they told to be in photo? Or did they ask to be there? LEOs standing behind a felon, not a prosecutor. Says it all.


@DelRider @LilahTovMoon I wondered the same thing, the 'old white guy' club.


@blwinnemore @LilahTovMoon Now that I think more about it, why are they in uniform? Want to support a candidate like TFG, fine. Get in your street clothes and do whatever. But aren't these guys supposed to be politically neutral in the discharge of their jobs? Were I in MI, I'd be calling my legislators to be sure these guys were off the clock and not getting hours towards retirement/pension for these events. My tax dollars should not be going to funding TFG, directly or otherwise.


@DelRider @blwinnemore @LilahTovMoon ... I'm in Michigan, and in GR, where the on-screen banner suggests this was broadcast from. According to his schedule for today, he's supposed to be in Flint, not GR, [100 miles away], so unclear when this was recorded, assuming the schedule is accurate.

However, I don't recognize the uniforms or shoulder patches, so who knows who these 'officials' are.

If any are local and real, it's troubling that they show up and support debunked accusations.


@blwinnemore @DelRider @LilahTovMoon definitely old and white and they look like they are trying to look intimidating, but only managed constipated


@DelRider @LilahTovMoon every one of them should be fired.


@LilahTovMoon Law Enforcement endorsing vicious rhetoric in uniform. Wtf.


@LilahTovMoon classic fascist rhetoric, dehumanising people as scapegoats.


@LilahTovMoon Today he calls immigrants animals but any other group of people could be next for his hate. He isn’t anyone’s friend if he doesn’t have the ability to bring out the best in people.


Here we have a former president of the United States and current major party candidate for president, calling immigrants animals, with literal brown-shirts standing behind him.
I'm going to say it because it's true: this country is sleep-walking into a holocaust.
This is absolutely terrifying.
h/t @LilahTovMoon



How can someone who believes in the 10 commandments and Jesus vote for this disgusting guy?

Further proof that being religious doesn't make you automatically a better person.


@Calluna @LilahTovMoon

they don't believe a word of it, that's how. They're fucking racist hypocrites.


@darwinwoodka @LilahTovMoon

It seems my #atheist brothers and sisters have a healthier moral compass than some religious people who are okay with voting for someone who dehumanizes others.

Jesus would not appreciate Trumps behaviour.


@Calluna @LilahTovMoon Oh, most people who believe in Jesus will make your life *hell* if they know that you do not believe in Jesus.


@LilahTovMoon he will keep punching lower and lower, he doesn't know anything else. The more it looks like he's losing, the more he is going to do this sort of thing. He's not going to change his tune now.

The man knows no bottom, no moral compass, in trumpo's world there is only trumpo, and nothing is off the table when it comes to trumpo.


@LilahTovMoon holy hell and he blames Dem for their rhetoric. Fuck this asshole.


@LilahTovMoon and people stand there doing nothing while he says it? Despicable.

Name these people.


@LilahTovMoon Shame on everyone on that stage with him.


@SueDiOh @mastodonmigration @LilahTovMoon That’s the point where a respectable officer would walk off the stage.


@LilahTovMoon quelle ignoble personne.

Quiet public

@LilahTovMoon We have ~4 months to prepare for the worst case scenario

Start now if you haven’t already. Find orgs and people in your area that are planning and find ways to help



Trump is disgusting. And unlike the lies he tells about abortion to get votes, he really believes this.


@LilahTovMoon Yeah, that’s what he needs to do. When he starts getting rid of them he needs people to believe that they are not human. Because when they’re not human then you don’t need to feel empathy for them. It’s the old fascist playbook.


@LilahTovMoon Poor bastards in the back are going Trump smells so bad their eyes are watering up.



he's a convicted felon out on bail

why hasn't his bail been revoked and why isn't he in custody

Quiet public

Anyone else hearing the same rhetoric as another Iconoclast, circa 1933?


@LilahTovMoon Christ, what an evil fucking asshole.


@LilahTovMoon Look at all the people standing behind him, lending their support to that new level of evil.

A few of those expressions look like they're pretty embarrassed to be there. If they had any spine at all, they'd just walk off.


@LilahTovMoon didn't he marry two animals?


@LilahTovMoon Felon45 is stating the gop maga stance on human rights. This is who they are. White supremacists and christo-fascists. SCOTUS is acting on this treachery.

Quiet public

@LilahTovMoon 🤔 Comparing Trump to Hitler grossly overrates the quality of Mango-Mussolini's indelible malign word salad.


@LilahTovMoon Two of his three wives were immigrants. But I guess white immigrants are a whole different matter? Just plain racism.

Quiet public

@LilahTovMoon look at all the decorated scumbags surrounding him. They're the real dangerous ones, because regardless of who's in the whitehouse, they wield the power at local level and go unpunished.


@LilahTovMoon I'm sure he's always thought it but now he's in cognitive decline he's saying it out loud. If you have a relative with dementia this is a common thing


@LilahTovMoon You know, I really don't want to see Trump assassinated but if he were to die this afternoon from a violent attack of diarrhea it would make the rest of my week.


@LilahTovMoon Ahhh, Grand Rapids, MI: Proud home of Amway, DeVos, and Dominionist Christians.

Of course, no one would object during this press conference.

Reminds me of Jimmy Stewart's lambaste of Mr. Potter: "People were human beings to [my father]. But to you, a warped, frustrated old man, they're cattle."

Fuck #TFG and his sidekick #TheCouchFucker. 🤬


@LilahTovMoon how is immigrants animals, this is new low. Posterity will judge him.

Quiet public

@LilahTovMoon he married one...


@LilahTovMoon I keep wondering about Vance's wife and her family. They are dark skinned. Do they not think Trump's followers think this applies to them as well? His mother-in-law is provost of the University of California at San Diego ( in charge of promoting student well being. Her family can not be comfortable with this.

SCUPLakshmi Chilukuri

@LilahTovMoon jesus christ on a whole-wheat cracker


Und die Arschlöcher stehen dahinter 😡


@LilahTovMoon This is actually already from April 2nd


@LilahTovMoon Isn't his friend Elon an immigrant?
Isn't his wife? What about his mum?


@LilahTovMoon preaching to the choir of Deplorables


@LilahTovMoon It's scary. Characterizing humans as something other than humans is textbook dangerous speech. It makes it "ok" to be violent to them.



Time to get him arrested… together with his klansmen…



The con man candidate, appearing with several law enforcement officers, described in detail several criminal cases involving suspects in the country illegally and warned that violence and chaos would consume America if he did not win the Nov. 5 election.


🤬 Usha and Melania must be so proud 😡



The Making of Donald J. Trump

He was rewarded for ruthless behaviour by his mob-infused father

He was tutored by Roy Cohn

"The basic lessons that Trump learned from Cohn were: Never apologize. If someone hits you, hit them back a thousand times harder. Any publicity is good publicity. And find an ‘other.’”

“With Trump, the other is Mexicans, Latinos, Muslims, I mean, fill in the blank,”
- Maureen Dowd 2019 "

After he squandered his inheritance, he was bought (and blackmailed) by the Russian mob



All those cops behind him. If they had so much as a molecule of decency left in their bodies, they'd walk off that stage.



And shame on all those standing behind him


@LilahTovMoon This is from a speech given on April 2nd 2024, so it's not even new.

It should be a career liability to stay on stage after a politician says something like that. Absolutely wild that this wasn't bigger news at the time.


@LilahTovMoon Current US allies rethinking their alliances