Looks like the pineapple I bought at start of week is ripe now!
At least, that's what the leaf-pulling suggests? Apparently you're meant to test a pineapple's ripeness by gently pulling at the leaves in the middle of the stalk. If a leaf in the middle comes out very easily it is ripe.
Amazing that after a week of junk there might be a healthy dessert for Xmas dinner today
By the way, if anyone has been put off pineapple by the way it tastes when tinned, I can assure you that ripe fresh pineapple is TOTALLY different.
When a fresh pineapple is ripe, the flavour is a million times better than its tinned cousin. If you've never tried fresh pineapple, highly recommend it!
@FediThing It also freezes really well! My mom chops up a pineapple and freezes it in sections for later convenience; apparently, eating it regularly really helps with her arthritis
Did not know that! Yeah, a whole pineapple can be quite a lot of fruit to eat in one go.