Looks like the pineapple I bought at start of week is ripe now!
At least, that's what the leaf-pulling suggests? Apparently you're meant to test a pineapple's ripeness by gently pulling at the leaves in the middle of the stalk. If a leaf in the middle comes out very easily it is ripe.
Amazing that after a week of junk there might be a healthy dessert for Xmas dinner today
Can confirm. Tinned pineapple barely compares with the fresh fruit.
We never find ripe ones where I currently live. I use the leaf method - *and* I also focus on how much perfume wafts from it.
Ok, I’m hungry for fresh fruit!
#JoinIn #Fruit #Pineapple
When fruit is ripe, it is just the best tasting thing in the world!
A ripe peach is the most perfect thing ever.
It's just sometimes difficult to get fruit at exact moment of ripeness
This brings Eddie Izzard's fruit routine to mind:
Eddie Izzard nails it with the pears! Avocados can be that way too…