Looks like the pineapple I bought at start of week is ripe now!
At least, that's what the leaf-pulling suggests? Apparently you're meant to test a pineapple's ripeness by gently pulling at the leaves in the middle of the stalk. If a leaf in the middle comes out very easily it is ripe.
Amazing that after a week of junk there might be a healthy dessert for Xmas dinner today
By the way, if anyone has been put off pineapple by the way it tastes when tinned, I can assure you that ripe fresh pineapple is TOTALLY different.
When a fresh pineapple is ripe, the flavour is a million times better than its tinned cousin. If you've never tried fresh pineapple, highly recommend it!
@FediThing especially on pizza
@FediThing sure is :) i really love the """Hawaiian""" pizza
I have a friend who absolutely hates: pineapple, mushrooms, olives, anchovies.
So, it's really fun when we get pizzas and I'm able to completely disgust her with my order
@FediThing how can anyone hate anchovies? O_O
I know, right?
Apparently people in Victorian times used to give each other barrels of anchovies at Xmas!
@FediThing now i'm jealous, lol :P i seriously love that stuff!
@lashman @FediThing The experience of animals are real and matter. Their suffering is identical in nature to our own. It harms us when we take pleasure in cruelty and violence.
You asked.