me, vanta, trans enby girl polyam lesbian gender terrorist: "people should block threads because it will make fedi unsafe for queer people"
the verge, for some reason: "OBVIOUSLY it's a bunch of NERD BOYS trying to keep the WOMEN out"
full episode can be found here btw
the verge's editor-in-chief @nilaypatel thinks there aren't girls on the fediverse
boost this if you're a girl on the fediverse to prove him wrong lmao
@FediPact @nilaypatel I thought the fediverse was for girls and Instagram was for boys?? am I in the wrong place?? did the marketing utterly fail me??
@FediPact @nilaypatel I'm a femby, but eh, close enough :P
@FediPact @nilaypatel
This take is wild. Mastodon is the queerest social network by miles.
@FediPact @nilaypatel That's pretty funny We're definitely out here, my dude
@FediPact @nilaypatel No women in the Fediverse?? That’s certainly not been my experience. I just checked who I am following. I seem to have a good mix of people who identify as she, people who identify as he, people who identify as they or enby or something other than she or he, and people who do not identify their gender in any way. I did a quick count of the first couple of hundred people and had more she’s followed by he’s followed by no ID followed by they’s.
Oh, and I’ll boost for more visibility.
@FediPact @nilaypatel Maybe he thinks there are no women because they are avoiding him, specifically?
@FediPact @nilaypatel i mean it appears he is hardly on the fediverse, no profile pic, no bio, only follows 18 people.... i guess it can be a little intimidating,
@tarajdactyl @FediPact @nilaypatel Right Tara? I won't even follow back that kind of account.
@alison @FediPact @nilaypatel same. it's frankly ludicrous that he attempts to speak with any kind of authority on something he clearly, demonstrably has no experience with. peak hubris
@FediPact @nilaypatel What the entire F? #SMH #YCFS
@FediPact @nilaypatel I'm not a girl but I just took a quick census of my follows: I'm following 849 people, 40% of whom are women.
I realize the plural of "anecdote" is not "data" but otoh this dude, whoever he is, didn't cite his sources either.
@nilaypatel @FediPact At 61, I think of myself more as a woman than a girl; but, yeah, I’m on both the fediverse and the wrong side of the gender wage gap.
bless @FediPact i'm not just on fedi, i host my own instance
@FediPact @nilaypatel Hi! 35 Y/O Woman here! I've been on the fediverse for a few years now to socialise with other creative writers. Love it, its nature and the vibes. Its become my primary social media platform of choice :)
@FediPact I mean, I'm nonbinary, but I'm femme-presenting AFAB, so I'm boosting.
@nilaypatel @FediPact Wait- there are *guys* on the Fediverse?
@FediPact hi @nilaypatel I'm definitely a girl but my instance has been a bit up and down the last couple of weeks. I love it here though.
@FediPact @nilaypatel @HollyGoDarkly This seems like a weird take because most of the pro-blocking folks on my timeline are worried about the influx of bros.
@FediPact @nilaypatel I don’t have to prove anything to him cause clearly he’s trash and has like maybe one working brain cell