No idea why you would want to do it, but do you want to annoy an Orca user using Firefox? Make him visit and watch him cry. In Firefox, there's a pretty high chance that the visit will actually exhaust the a11y bus bytes quota, so all clients (including the screen reader) will be kicked out. In Chrome, it did not happen, but any sophisticated navigation (by heading, etc.) did not work either. This outcome is not certain, but very likely.
@tyrylu I mean... Seriously, fsck gitlab. I always have, and probably always will, hate this awful platform regarding it's less than stellar accessibility. No matter which OS you use, the minute you need a screen reader, you're in trouble.
It's gotten to a point that if a project use gitlab in any shape or form, I don't bother reporting issues and contributing. I don't have the spoons to deal with this anymore.
@xogium I don't find it personally as bad as you, but yes, some things are best done somewhat differently, e. g. I'm usually going for the patch of a merge request and reviewing that, rather than reviewing it in the UI, same with browsing code, if not cloning the repo outright.