Let’s talk #Pixar for a moment. The movie studio is the foremost expert on #feelings
Don’t believe me?
#ToyStory - what if toys have feelings?
#BugsLife - what if bugs have feelings?
#MonstersInc - what if monsters have feelings?
#FindingNemo - what if fish have feelings?
#Cars - what if cars have feelings?
#WallE - what if robots have feelings?
#InsideOut - what if feelings have feelings?
While not all their moves for this pattern — most do.
#ProveMeWrong I will die on this hill.
@brass75 I haven’t seen it. Based on the name alone — street lights have feelings?
@HolyMachina teenage girls and parents have feelings.
@brass75 hmm seems a little unimaginative for them. I’ll have to watch it
@HolyMachina they turn into red pandas when they get big feelings!
@brass75 Oh. My. Jeebus!